Our 4-part Process For Success Includes:
We offer the following services to nonprofits, local governments, school districts, and small businesses.
From the simplest, one-page proposal to the most complex federal application - we transform simple, weekly conversations with you into strong proposals that stand out from the crowd.
For folks who prefer to write their own proposals, we provide content review services. This is more than simply proofreading for grammar! We compare your draft to the original grant application to ensure you answer all the required questions in the most clear, concise, and compelling way possible.
Most organizations need a little (or a lot!) of help before they are ready to apply for grants. Whether you need to establish 501(c)(3) status or to develop an operating budget, we’re here to help! Readiness services include:
Nonprofit Setup
Program Design
Budget Development
Strategic Planning
Did you know that 90% of foundations in the United States do not have a website? This means many of the best grant opportunities can only be found using paid database services. That’s where we come in! Using the latest data available, we hand-pick a list of grant opportunities that align with your unique goals and fundraising needs.
The job isn’t done when we submit an application! There is always more to do to help you build a stronger organization that is well-positioned to win more grants! We offer the following services to help you expand and strengthen your nonprofit:
Board Training
Database Setup
Strategic Planning
If you don’t win a grant (or are awarded less money than you requested), we will follow up with the funder for detailed feedback on how to improve. Often, the process of getting feedback and re-applying leads to more success the second time around!
Ready To Learn More?
Schedule a free, 20-minute consultation call today! Click the button below, and a team member will get in touch with you shortly